Bhasha Bharati Blog – Translation Services

Knowledge Center About Language Translation

Running a news portal? Now spread your breaking news in all languages

news translation

We arehelping out news portals, blogs and other agencies or organizations that are involved in the dissemination of news and current affairs. Our translators help the organizations spread their news in multiple languages and attract readers from all corners of the world. Needless to say in order for your news to be breaking, it must reach the target audience and that too in real time basis. With news translation services, you can spread news and views in several languages with ease.

Notwithstanding what when the events are taking shape at any part of the world; they are breaking news for the people around the world as the news goes round the clock all the year. With news translation services the news is spread in more than one language and reaches to the people instantly. This makes perfect sense for the news agencies to spread their collected news in several parts of the world in several languages.

Current Affairs and Updates in several languages

Current affairs and events have wide consumptions around the world. Something happening in Britain may also be of a great importance for people in China or Saudi Arabia. Since, not all countries speak English, it is important for the news services providers to offer the news item in several languages like Chinese, Arabic, Russian, Hindi, Spanish, etc. There are various advantages from multilingual current affairs services; the primary benefit is in terms of numbers as more people read your news than before.

The companies providing tailored news translation solutions to meet unique requirement from news agencies, serve in the following segments:

• Translation of Economic and Financial News
• Updates on Stock market, investments, mutual funds
• Any Breaking News happening at any part of the world
• Corporate Press Releases and announcements
• Political News and events like gathering, summit, bilateral meetings
• National News, policy decisions, cabinet meetings
• World News, sports events like World cup football, Olympics
• Scientific News, research on corona virus, vaccines

Current affairs in multiple languages

Current affairs are important and relevant as long as they are swift and relevant. A new loses is impact as soon as other broadcasters have brought in for the public. Therefore, for you as a media organization, it is important to focus on niche areas. For instance, a news agency or portal may break some news to its audience in one language. However, there is still a lot of scope left for the news consumption in other language belts.

These days human translation has become secondary choice among some people; however, we must understand that machine translation saves a lot of time. The role of traditional translation work flows is too slow to meet these urgent translation requirements; however, the mix of the two is the best thing that can help in current affairs translation. Thus, the organization that leverages the power of machine-human translations is the one that can be trusted for swift and accurate translation.

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