Bhasha Bharati Blog – Translation Services

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Why Book Translation Services Considered Important These Days?

Book  Translation Services

Translation has always been a part of our society but in recent years, this particular linguistic service has made its way into every aspect of our lives. For instance, authors could not even fathom a career these days where they are not subjecting their literary works of art to the book translation services offered by the best translation agencies.

Why book translation is considered an important service?

Several reasons make the entire range of professional book translation services an important linguistic service even in 2024. Some of those reasons are mentioned in the sections below.

Cultures, opinions and points of view connect with the help of translated books

Back in the day, society was on the brink of stagnation since the majority of the learned masses were either unable to express their opinions or were facing linguistic barriers when it came to making sure that their progressive points of view reached the common masses who would then use this ‘new outlook’ towards life in a bid to climb up the so-called societal hierarchy.

Issues like the ones mentioned above these days can be eradicated readily when progressive literary works of art are first subjected to book translation services before launching them on a global scale.

The next generation would become aware of classic titles

It would be a blunder to keep book translation companies from the credit of making sure that the next generation of readers are not only made aware of literary classics like the Tintin collection or the hardcore English Gothic classics like Bram Stoker’s Dracula.

In this age of Instagram reels and YouTube shorts, translation agencies are the ones that are making sure the art of reading books to enrich one’s mind and entertain the same as well is not lost due to the unprecedented greed of tech giants like Meta!

Translated books can be used extensively in education

All over the world, there is a continuous process by the people in power to mutilate the past so that the next generation is not aware of the historical horrors such as subjecting the Jews to the gas chambers by the Nazis.

History should not be mutilated or ‘filtered’ so that this generation’s ‘woke’ mentality can be satisfied. This is the reason why, authors like Michal Skibinski used translation services extensively.

Michal Skibinski wrote I Saw a Beautiful Woodpecker – a book that gives a detailed account of the Second World War from the perspective of a Polish boy. By translating his book, Michal Skibinski made sure that his words are reaching the world’s young readership base unaltered and unfiltered even when the same has been translated. 

New lasting relationships are built using translated books

By using book translation services in India, authors can build new lasting relationships with people who are just starting to buy their books. At the same time, established writers can strengthen their relationships with their regular readers.

On top of this, veteran authors also believe that with the help of translated books, they can make sure that their literary works inspire the next generation. Translated books can find their way into the libraries of educational institutions around the world. In this way, authors will be able to build lasting relationships with pupils, their teachers and their guardians.

People who are not English proficient can enjoy translated literary works

English proficiency is not a given attribute for the global population. Truth be told, most people do not have an affinity towards the English language due to its ‘colonial’ origin. Hence, authors, to monetize the majority of the world population that prefers their ‘mother tongue’ or any other language for that matter other than English, choose to translate their literary works into global languages and their most popular dialects.

It is as simple as that!

Get your book translated by Bhasha Bharati Arts

Bhasha Bharati Arts is one of the trusted translation agencies in India and abroad. The agency has been associated with the linguistic sector for decades. Furthermore, the agency has a commendable record when it comes to helping authors eliminate linguistic as well as cultural barriers that come in the way of success from their literary works. If you are an author who needs high quality bespoke localization solutions that entail attributes like continuous readership growth then Bhasha Bharati Arts is the agency for you. To learn more about the agency and its range of linguistic services, contact the firm today.

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