Bhasha Bharati Blog – Translation Services

Knowledge Center About Language Translation

The Significance of Certified Translation In the Advertising Industry

It is impossible for international brands to function (and compete) globally without availing advertising and marketing translation services. 

A quick research would point out that the biggest brands in all sectors of the global economy have secured their current peak positions by crafting marketing messages that eradicated linguistic barriers as well as cultural differences. Furthermore, there are lots of other reasons that make certified translation services the part and parcel of the advertising industry.

Some of those reasons are mentioned below.

Helps brands to target untapped global market segments 

International brands and multinational corporations choose to spend their resources on certified advertising translation services as it is the only way to connect people in untapped global market segments who are not familiar with the language being used in the original marketing collateral.

Although English is the de facto language for promotional campaigns globally, not everyone is an expert in the language. Furthermore, there are untapped market segments in nations like China, India, Russia, Indonesia and Brazil that are experts in the English language but tend to prefer brands that communicate with their target audiences using local languages.

In simple words, using local languages can help brands build trust and become household names globally.

Through translation ad campaigns become more cost-effective

Ad campaigns are expensive and when a brand is running international ad campaigns, there is no room for error. The reason is simple. Running ad campaigns means unchecked expenses and when a campaign is ready to go live but at the eleventh hour, it comes to everyone’s attention that the marketing collateral entails culturally inappropriate or erroneous messaging no thanks to mediocre quality checks from the translators who worked on the project, the money spent till that point goes down the drain. Then there is the unnecessary delay that ultimately harms the overall image of the brand.

By hiring veteran linguists from reputed language service providers, a brand can – 

  • Minimise its advertising expenses
  • Maximise ROI and
  • Start monetising untapped market segments in no time.

The right message is conveyed across all target market segments

Certified marketing translation services ensure that the right message is conveyed across all market segments.

Veteran linguists associated with prominent language service providers will make sure that they are not just simply translating the same marketing message to the target languages. They will also make sure that the marketing message is uniquely crafted to meet the unique expectations and needs of the target market segment all the while keeping the original context (and content) of the marketing message intact.

Crafting the right message is important as a marketing message that works well in Japan might not be suitable for the United States. Furthermore, with the help of certified marketing translation services, brands can quickly form an emotional bond with the market segments they are planning to turn into permanent or at least returning customers.

It is as simple as that!

Certified advertising collateral translation can help keep awful errors at bay

Time and again, brands fail to leave a lasting mark on international market segments no thanks to faulty translated marketing collateral. By hiring professional and certified translators associated with leading language service providers, financially ruining and extremely embarrassing errors are kept at bay from all marketing campaigns.


Advertising translation services are prioritized by multinational corporations and global brands these days. With the help of certified advertising collateral translation services provided by leading language service providers like us, entrepreneurs can show their client base that they are being prioritized. To learn more, reach out to our translation agency.

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