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Game Localization Is A Booming Industry

Game Localization Services

Game development studios need to make sure that their games are properly adapted to the cultural, socio-political and linguistic nuances of the locations where the products will be launched. This whole tedious process is known as game localisation.

Most of the time, game development studios tend to localize their products in-house but to be honest, big-label game development studios tend to hire third-party service providers like game localization agencies.


Well, game localization agencies specialize in all kinds of localization and related linguistic services. Hence, the results entail high returns on the money and time a game development studio invests in the services rendered by a video game localization agency.

Why game localization is a booming industry?

Several reasons allowed the game localization sector to become a booming industry. In the collective professional opinions of experts associated with veteran game localization companies, the primary reasons that allowed game localization to become part and parcel of the global gaming industry are as follows.

  • Game development studios that ensure all their games are culturally and linguistically localized tend to inadvertently enhance the reputation of their brand in the eyes of their returning as well as prospective customers.
  • Gaming is all about letting loose and immersing in the story as well as the characters of a game. Localized games that pay linguistic, socio-political and cultural homage to a particular location, nation or language tend to entail a more engaging experience for the gamers the title is trying to connect with. It is as simple as that!
  • Localizing a game allows game development studios to enter new local, national and international market segments quickly and seamlessly. 

What does the current state of the game localization sector look like?

The current generation of game development studios is witnessing an impressive global growth streak thanks to the collective efforts of premier video game localization companies.

Since game development studios always rely on the expertise of game localization agencies, it is not at all surprising to learn that the global game localization sector had a net worth of USD 195.65 billion back in 2021. This trend is continuing in 2023 and market experts state that by the end of 2025, the global market net worth of the game localization sector would surpass the USD 268 billion mark!

What does the future of the game localization sector look like?

The CEO of a revered video game localization agency states that the overall quality and efficiency of the game localization agency would keep on enhancing.  This would be the result of the inputs coming from game development studios to their preferred language service providers

Game localization agencies would start using AI tools in a bid to create rough drafts of game localization files which would then be worked on by human linguists and quality control experts. This simple step would reduce the turnaround time needed by game localization agencies for a game localization project. The outcome will be that game development studios will be able to launch more game titles in a year, in the future.

Bhasha Bharati Arts offer high quality game localization services

Bhasha Bharati Arts offers high quality game localization services that conform to the global standards game development studios from all over the world are accustomed to. The localization agency has a strong presence in all metropolitan cities of India. The clientele of Bhasha Bharati Arts consists of some of the top game development studios in the world. Since the inception of the language service provider, through their persistence and consistent quality of game localization services, Bhasha Bharati Arts has been winning praise from Indian and global game development studios. To learn more about the game localization services of Bhasha Bharati Arts, contact the game localization agency today.

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