business translation
25 07 2023
Small and medium businesses need to compete ruthlessly in order to remain profitable and relevant these days thanks to internet-based globalization. And to do that, CEOs of SMEs have finally understood the importance of localized marketing collateral that one can use to increase the positive yields of promotional campaigns. Marketing translation services over the years […]
business translation, marketing translation, translation services
6 06 2020
Manufacturing is one of the high-growth sectors in India. It accounts for approx. 16 percent of global GDP and 14 percent of employment. As manufacturing companies are expanding into international markets, demand for professional manufacturing translation services has increased. Manufacturing translation is the process of translating the technical documents of the manufacturing industry into the […]
manufacturing content translation, manufacturing translation services
6 04 2020
The translation industry is one of today’s fastest-growing B2B market segments. International companies know that language services play a key role in global expansion. Hence, most businesses make their website available in every country where it has a market. More and more corporate information like blogs, articles, press releases and newsletters are also being translated. […]