25 05 2018
For Chalta hai translation, Go to Google translation
Google translation is a machine translation that gives translation in the desired language with no consideration to quality. It does not understand the context and accordingly change the choice of words or even change the sentence to suit local language preference.
Google translation is so fast and cheap that one is tempted to go for it as long the job is done on time. Quality can be given a skip as clients will not notice the poor quality. This ‘Chalta hai’ attitude to quality, is a costly gamble and can ruin business in the long run.
Compromising on quality can give misleading and confusing content and so much so that you will end up losing your customers.
If speed and cost are the only criteria and quality is of no consequence, try machine translation. If quality is important, go for any professional translation service providers.
Bhasha Bharti Arts, the pioneer in translation services for over 50 years, believe language should never be a barrier in business and compromising on quality for speed and cost advantage is not the right solution.
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